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Almond, the mighty nut

Posted by Anita on May 22, 2011


Well, botanically speaking almonds are actually stone fruits related to the cherry, the plum and the peach. They grow on trees about 30ft high and look like an elongated peach with a hard green/gray husk.

An almond orchard in the springtime is something to behold as the white blossom on and off the trees mimics a winter covering of freshly fallen snow.

Ancient past!

With a mention in the Book of Numbers in the Bible and held as a prize ingredient served to Egyptian Pharaohs, almonds have been recognised as a delicacy throughout history. It is believed almonds originated in China and Central Asia and were carried by traders down the ancient Silk Road to Greece, Turkey and the Middle East.

Almonds are healthy too!

Nutritionists have often promoted almonds as a good addition to your diet, claiming they are high in fibre, vitamin E and magnesium. Indeed scientists in California now say they are rich in antioxidants which are agents in the body that help protect against cell damage and so aid the fight against heart disease, cancer and strokes. Just one ounce is reported as being as healthy as a cup of tea! So while you're waiting for the water to boil and you're tempted to eat any almond pieces from your flavoured tea at least you'll know it's a healthy snack - but don't get carried away, leave some in for the tea!